Contributors Share Tweet Our Contributors have special H.appy Forces Radu Puchiu our CEO, is organized, empathetic, analytical, kind and creative. He is happy when he designs, cooks, transforms things, reads, and plays. Laura Iancu our Technical Lead, is adaptable, intuitive, adventurous, helpful and loyal. She is happy when people she cares about are happy, when she drives, reads and creates things. Cristian Retegan our Community Lead is dynamic, empathetic, careful, creative and intuitive. He is happy when people feel confident, protected, amused and inspired around him. Fernando Rafael Martinez Barrios is sociable, reliable, creative, friendly and kind. He is happy when he plays with his cat or the violin when he takes walks in the park, learns new things and spends time with his friends. Kathy Nativi is sociable, kind, intuitive, passionate and feisty. She is happy when she spends quality time with her family and friends, when she improves her personal and professional skills, when she practices kickboxing, watches movies or reads classic literature and when she meets people from different cultures. Cristina Șișcanu our Communication Lead, is intuitive, sociable, loyal, creative and ambitious. She is happy when she laughs, spends time with her family and friends, takes long walks by the beach, dances to techno music and when she comes up with funny ideas. Alexandra Ștef is optimistic, humanistic, inquisitive, reliable and determined. She is happy when people feel they can contribute and belong.