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Tech & the City

The concept of smart cities emerged with great promise over a decade ago. Today they’re on the brink of achieving bigger impact in a multitude of ways that really matter for residents: saving lives, reducing crime, shortening commutes, improving health, and enhancing the environment.

What is Tech & the City?

This section of the blog focuses mainly on how technology is used to improve the quality of life in the cities. In this area, there are multiple methods, techniques and applications that are constantly invented or updated to fit and fix the needs of the city.

The purpose is to share stories, ideas, interviews, pictures and videos of the events we attend and the people we meet, if they are relevant and complementary to the entrepreneurial story.

Our site wants to be your source of information and guide for entrepreneurs who want to create programs and applications for the city and need help starting up or finding new ideas.  While it will never be complete, we hope it will be a good starting point for many.

The H.appyCities Ecosystem

The H.appyCities ecosystem is created from a diverse global network of specialists and industries delivering a special mix of business, finance, arts, media, design, advertising, fashion and, yes, technology. Through these digital solutions, we want to contribute to a more livable future and create a real impact on various aspects of the quality of life. We will tell success stories about smart cities around the globe providing a snapshot of their progress in deployment and how city governments and companies alike can make the most of this transformation. 

The H.appyCities community is quintessential, bringing together people with different backgrounds and experiences, very different from what you can find elsewhere because it brings together entrepreneurs, investors, contributors and administration to break down barriers and help one another. 

If you want to find out more about H.appyCities, enter the website – here!

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