Ne vedem în piață? Ai văzut că pandemia SARS-COVID-2 te-a forțat să-ți schimbi comportamentele. Hobby-urile cu care îți delectai...
„Când îți arde casa, e greu să te gândești la vacanță”, obișnuiau să zică bunicii. Aflați în plină criză ne...
The new technologies around the world are constantly pushing all the countries to innovate, adapt and create new ways or...
The main problem of the car in the city is that it is very annoying. This makes it inefficient, and...
The car is often presented as a great technological find, the invention that revolutionised mobility with comfortable monthly fees; however,...
The population of the world is growing every day, every day the production of vehicles increases as the demand of...
Caminar es la forma más natural de moverse de un lado a otro y es particularmente práctico para todas las...
Our lifestyle is closely related, among other things, to the travel methods we use to carry out our activities (work,...