Why Urban Dialogues?
The Urban Dialogues category comprises a series of online articles and discussions aimed to gather views from all interested players to bring forward new and emerging thinking on urban issues. H.appyCities’ Urban Dialogues section is an inclusive and consultative platform, which makes it possible to bring together international opinions and insights from key stakeholders and contributors.
Read our articles, here!
Our Mission
The aim is to build new partnerships where the opportunity to learn, research, and practice together is founded upon community-based learning and/or learning-based community development. Collectively, we aim to explore and share how we approach the making and experience of place and community and create fresh opportunities for synergies in our thinking and approaches.
We embrace the different knowledge and practices each of us brings to our work, and so contribute to and enhance more joined-up practices for making a positive difference to the lives of others.
H.appyCities Lights
Through our H.appyCities Lights events, a monthly roundtable series, we aim to set the next generation urban agenda. Each soirée focuses on a specific urban issue and brings together active citizens, academicians, policymakers, urban planners, business leaders, representatives of civil society organizations and other intelligentsia from the urban sector to find sustainable solutions for the problems cities face today.
The outcome of these sessions intends to anchor a public discourse on creating aspirational city life for all citizenship. The end objective behind bringing all these experts under one roof is to facilitate brainstorming on the opportunities, challenges, and scope for developing a truly livable and inclusive city infrastructure, encompassing the current situations pertaining to policy guidelines, regulatory norms, implementation challenges, etc.